Walking With Purpose Ministry at St. Ann’s is hosting a Women’s Day of Reflection featuring author Joni Seith on SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 21 2024. Joni is a convert to Catholicism from a culturally Jewish back− ground whose conversion story has been told on EWTN’s Journey Home program. She will share her story of God’s love through suffering chronic pain as detailed in her book “Pain of Grace: Living and Suffering with Dignity” published recently. Joni is a married mother of four and grandmother of five.
The day will consist of morning Mass, Holy Hour with Adora− tion, Confession, two presentations, a continental breakfast, and a catered luncheon which are included in the cost of $25.
For planning purposes, advance registration is required. Registration will be offered in two ways:
#1) Online with a credit card through St. Ann’s online giving. Scan QR code with your smart phone to connect to donation page. Scroll down to Special Donations and complete by listing ‘Walking with Purpose Day of Reflection’ in the description. You will receive an email confirmation from the parish.
#2) Registration form can be completed in the parish office and enclosed with a check made payable to WWP/St. Ann’s (no cash accepted) and placed in the envelope provided.
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