Stay tuned for Bazaar News as plans unfold!
Scheduled planning meetings
New Volunteer Information Session
A meeting for NEW VOLUNTEERS will be held on Tuesday, February 11, 9:30AM — 10:30AM, in the Masterson Room of the Masterson Center. This meeting will provide an opportunity for you to learn more about how you can become involved with this exciting event. Planning has already begun for this year and new ideas are always welcome for this big parish fundraiser. There is, something for everyone to do and your help will be greatly rewarding and appreciated. The volunteer times are very flexible and can be customized specifically for you. If you are unable to attend this meeting and would like more information, please contact Alexis Sclama at parishofstannbazaar@gmail.com or call 410-790-7669. Volunteer positions fill fast! NOTE: A general meeting for ALL volunteers will be held on ‘Thursday, March 20 in Delaney Hall at 9:15AM.
Bazaar Marketing Meeting
We blinked and its already time to start planning the 2025 Annual Bazaar! Our first Marketing Planning committee meeting on February 19 at 9:15AM in the Conference Room of the Mas- terson Center. This meeting is open to all volunteers and no prior experience is required. Your ideas and suggestions are always welcome. Questions? Contact Alexis Sclama, 410-790-7669, or email alexis.sclama@gmail.com. or parishofstannbazaar@gmail.com.