Rev. John KIevence : Pastor

Rev. John KIevence


Fr. Klevence was born in Philadelphia, PA on December 28, 1956. Philly was the scene of elementary, secondary, and college seminary education. After studying theology and obtaining his degree from St. Mary Seminary in Baltimore, MD, he was ordained on February 9, 1985, for the Diocese of Wilmington. He has served in three parishes of the diocese as Associate Pastor and in four parishes as Pastor.
Having been on various diocesan committees, he is presently serving as the Spiritual Director for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Rev. John Klevence
Rev. Joseph Dovari : Associate Pastor

Rev. Joseph Dovari

Deacon Fred Mauser : Permanent Deacon

Deacon Fred Mauser

Permanent Deacon

Deacon Fred grew up in Hyattsville, MD and graduated from Gonzaga High School in Washington, DC and Mount St. Mary’s University in Emmitsburg, MD.

He served in positions in and supporting the Defense Department for 40 years.  He was trained and ordained as a deacon in the Archdiocese of Baltimore and served for 16 years at St. Louis Church in Clarksville, MD.

Deacon Fred has been married to Mary Alice Mauser for 54 years.  They have been blessed with 4 children and 10 grandchildren.

Having recently retired to southern Delaware, Deacon Fred is now newly blessed to be able to serve the people of St. Ann & Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Deacon Dennis Hayden : Permanent Deacon (Retired)

Deacon Dennis Hayden

Permanent Deacon (Retired)

Deacon Jack Freberry : Permanent Deacon (Retired)

Deacon Jack Freberry

Permanent Deacon (Retired)

Deacon Michael Malecki : Permanent DeaconRetired

Deacon Michael Malecki

Permanent DeaconRetired

Tina Gordon : Coordinator of Religious Ed

Tina Gordon

Coordinator of Religious Ed
Barbara Perricone : Christian Initiation and Baptism Preparation Coordinator

Barbara Perricone

Christian Initiation and Baptism Preparation Coordinator
Ed Shipley : Music Director

Ed Shipley

Music Director
Christie Thornett : Asst. Business Manager

Christie Thornett

Lourdes Besa : Parish Secretary

Lourdes Besa

Parish Secretary
Pat Malecki : Parish Secretary

Pat Malecki

Parish Secretary
Nancy-Jo DiLuzio : Faith Formation Admin Asst

Nancy-Jo DiLuzio

Faith Formation Admin Asst
Maria Colello : Spanish and Youth Ministry coordinator

Maria Colello

Spanish and Youth Ministry coordinator
Ed Brown : Director of Maintenance

Ed Brown

Director of Maintenance
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