Walking with Purpose

Walking with Purpose does not involve physical walking; it is not an exercise program!

It is a ministry for women who are seeking to know Christ, to know his heart, his tenderness, his mercy, and his love, through Scripture, the teachings of the Church reflected in our Catechism, and our shared experiences.

It’s more than a Bible study: it’s a supportive community of womenseeking connection to the Holy Spirit to transform their hearts. We believe that change happens in the hearts of women and, by extension, in their families and beyond.

Meetings are on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 AM and Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM

Walking with Purpose is a national organization that has designed and offered a wide variety of separate study programs for women. In the Parish of St. Ann, these programs are delivered locally by a team of experienced parishioners.

We have an open chair for you! Find out more about the program at www.walkingwithpurpose.com

Rhonda Tully 410-218-8268
Mary Regan at 443-694-6424 or

Email: stannbbwalkingwithpurpose@gmail.com

Click above to visit the Walking with Purpose website

Currently, Walking with Purpose at St. Ann Parish is sponsoring the following Bible studies:

We have two studies currently underway: Grounded in Hope will review Lesson #13 and Opening Your Heart Lesson #14 on Wednesday February 12th in the Masterson Center at 9:30 am and 7:00 pm.

We are sharing the Masterson Center on Wednesdays with groups that usually meet in Delaney Hall, please be mindful of this and use the side entrance on Wednesdays evenings. Morning groups should use the side entrance closest to the rectory. Evening groups should use the side entrance closest to the Delaney Hall. Thank you for your patience!

Come join us!

Grounded in Hope

In a world where levels of despair, addiction, and suicide are rising, we need more than clichés or positive thinking. Grounded in Hope, based on the book of Hebrews, will help you encounter Jesus in such a powerful, comforting, and stabilizing way that He can become your lifeline.

Opening Your Heart

This Bible study will take you on an exciting journey closer to the heart of God, help you form a personal relationship with Christ, and help you find answers to life’s biggest questions through the context of the Catholic faith

St Ann’s Walking With Purpose is hosting Coffee Connect socials for women interested in the program. Please drop in and join us next Wednesday February 12 in the morning after Mass or that evening at 7:00pm for coffee, a snack,fellowship and an informal bible study. We have an open chair for you!

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