We, the Pastoral Council of the Parish of St. Ann in Bethany Beach, Delaware are members of a believing community professing faith in God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Through the saving waters of Baptism, nourished by the Eucharist, and strengthened by the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit, it is our mission and responsibility to collaborate with our Pastor to establish a vibrant Roman Catholic community providing opportunities for spiritual, ministerial and personal renewal for all.

In Communion with our Holy Father and the universal Church, in union with our Bishop, and under the leadership of our pastor, we seek to live out our ministry as members of the Parish Pastoral Council.

We are conscious of our membership in the Body of Christ and of our responsibility to share talents, time, treasure, and wisdom for the sake of the mission of Christ. We have been gathered as a Pastoral Council to advise our Pastor in those matters affecting our pastoral mission. We shall maintain open lines of communication with all individuals and groups within the Parish as we serve as a model of caring and concerned Parish community.

Standing Committees of the Pastoral Council

Liturgy Committee

Liturgy is the central ministry of our Parish community from which we take our identity and from which all other activities of the Parish flow. Therefore, the role of the Committee is to create an environment in which the assembly can participate and grow in faith and by which they may be transformed and experience Liturgy as an action that does not end with the dismissal but is carried out in our daily lives.  The Liturgy Committee sets the tone for sacred worship and suggests the direction for Liturgical Ministries.  The Liturgical Committee works in conjunction with the Pastor, and the Liturgical Documents of the Church. (For additional information, click here.)

Christian Formation Committee

The Christian Formation Program supports adults, young people, and children as they develop their relationship with God and grow in their faith life as Catholic Christians. We are guided in this work by Church teaching documents as well as the guidelines of the Diocese of Wilmington. We reach out to the increasingly diverse population included in St. Ann’s and those who are searching and/or seeking admission to our Catholic Community. We do this prayerfully through catechetical instruction and formation of conscience, faith-sharing, Sacraments of Initiation and community service. Dedicated catechists assist in this formation. In our kindergarten through grade eight program, family cooperation and support are essential.   Together we strive to grow as the family of God.(For additional information, click here.)

Parish and Family Life Committee

The Parish and Family Life Committee shall strive for the promotion of Christian community and an environment of mutual support, assistance, and growth in living the Christian life in our time and culture. The committee is working to fulfill this mission by focusing on helping with and creating services and events to build community and foster a welcoming attitude for parishioners of all ages. (For additional information, click here.)

Social Concerns Committee

The Social Concerns Committee believes that the needs and concerns of our brothers and sisters are our concern as well. To this end, we will facilitate for our parishioner’s opportunities to discern the needs to serve the poor, the marginalized, the unchurched and the transient. This will involve educating ourselves and the Parish in Catholic Social Justice teachings and encouraging parish-wide participation in both advocacy and outreach.( For additional information, click here.)

Building and Grounds Committee

Being united in our dedication to and concern for the Parish community of St. Ann’s, we are professional individuals striving to provide an environment where God’s faithful can worship, gather, work, and learn in safety, comfort, and beauty. (For additional information, click here.)

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