Our mission to promote awareness and respect for the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception to natural death.

St. Ann Respect Life Meetings

We Stand for Life: Our mission to promote awareness and respect for the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception to natural death.

Day 39: 2 Moms, 2 Choices

Abortion advocates promise women a lot.

They promise that abortion will help them escape poverty, achieve their dreams, or even become better mothers. But after the abortion, all the problems that drove a woman to have the abortion in the first place remain—and often get worse.

Vigil participants in New Hampshire witnessed the firsthand as a couple and their toddler came to Planned Parenthood.

Daddy and daughter dropped Mom off. When they returned to pick her up, the now post-abortive woman struggled to make it to the car.

“We could see the mother facing us with her face contorted in pain and eyes closed,” wrote Cathy. “The father had a big smile.”

Contrast this tragic story with another woman who came to Planned for an abortion that same day. Unlike the first woman, this mother left Planned Parenthood smiling—because she didn’t have the abortion.

“I still have my baby!” she shouted, waving an ultrasound image of her baby for all to see.

“Two mothers with two very different reactions,” Cathy noted.

Source: Shawn Carney, 40 Days for Life, Nov. 2, 2024.

Upcoming events/dates:

Prayer Vigils at Planned Parenthood***Planned Parenthood Seaford(Call Jim at 443-655-2008) and Dover(Call Donna at 862-266-1099)***

Just come for an hour or two. Car pooling available!

Next March for Life in Washington, D.C.: January 24, 2025.

Questions?Call Jim at 443-655-2008 or Gloria at 410-292-3465.

Stay updated to Diocese of Wilmington news regarding Dover Legislative Hall current status of House and Senate Bills related to Life, from Conception to Natural Death. Questions and answers with Office of Public Relations & Media, weekly radio program/podcast. Catholic Forum is a half hour program each Saturday at 1:30PM on Relevant Radio640. (www.dow.org)

Call elected representatives & voice your concerns.

We must continue our support for mothers to be and their babies and elect politicians to make the community aware of the evil anti-life actions that will continue in Delaware until our laws are finally changed!

 Contact your elected representatives now!


  • Vigils for Life-please call ahead to confirm:
    Seaford PP hours Jim Anderson 443-655-2008
    Dover PP hours Fran Cummings 302-515-6349.
    Your presence impacts your community to SAVE A LIFE!
  • December 6, 6-8PM: Her Care Clinic Pregnancy Center Seaford “Open House”. Sponsored in part by St. Ann Respect Life. For information call Jim 443-655-2008.
  • December 2 at 6PM-Rehoboth Beach: Join Christmas Caroling along side St. Edmond’s Parade Float; meet by 5:30PM. More details coming; Bob Walhar St. Edmonds.
  • December 14 at Noon-Rehoboth Beach: Christmas Caroling with St. Edmonds at the Bandstand Creche. The more the merrier! Song booklets from St. Ann Respect Life.
  • Check Events Board in the Narthex of St. Ann and OLG for December and January events. Questions-call Gloria (410) 292-3465 or Rita (410) 446-2750.

Call Gloria at 410-292-3465
Rita at 410-446-2750
Jim at 443-655-2008

Check Narthex Bulletin Board: Pro-Life Parish News & Respect Life Brochure Dispenser @ exits of Church.

Bethany Park Divine Mercy Rosary April 15th, 2023

Important Links

Click here for information about the 40 Days for Life Campaign.

Click here for information about Rachel’s Vineyard

Click here for information about Delaware Right to Life.

Experiencing a Crisis Pregnancy?

If you are experiencing a crisis pregnancy
or are grieving after an abortion
and need to talk to someone about it,
call our toll-free, 24-hour confidential pregnancy/post-abortion counseling hotline at


A Door of Hope 302-998-9000
3407 Lancaster Pike, Wilmington, DE
218 E. Main St., Newark, DE

Bethany Christian Services
Newark, DE

Mom’s House, Inc. 302-658-3433
1718 Howland St., Wilmington, DE

Pregnancy Help Center of
Kent County 302-698-9311
1991 S. State St., Dover, DE

Pregnancy Help Center of Kent
County 302-335-4225
3624 Bay Rd., Milford, DE

Sussex Pregnancy Care Center 302-856-4344
536 S. Bedford St., Georgetown, DE

Cecil County Pregnancy Center
247 Bridge St., Elkton, MD

For questions call Gloria Huber, Prolife Co-Chairman at 410-292-34645.

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