Delaney Hall Closure
IMPORTANT!! During the months of January and February 2025, Delaney Hall will be closed
Prayer Service for Christian Unity
January 21
Prayer Service for Christian Unity
Please joins us as we celebrate this 127th Year of this tradition of coming together in prayer.
Winter in North Carolina Campaign
The Need Remains
St. Ann’s Knights of Columbus and Men’s Club are coordinating a campaign to help the residents of Asheville, North Carolina and the surrounding area who were impacted by Hurricane Helene.
Thank you for supporting
Maryknoll sisters in Malacatan
Dear Friends at St Anns,Many thanks for your recent gift. We are most grateful for your continued generosity which helps us to continue projects like the improved stoves and water…
Custom Apparel
You DO want to look good for the fall, don’t you?
Red Sun Custom Apparel has created a website for us from which you can order, pay, and have parish-labeled apparel delivered to you.
Christmas Giving Tree
Starts October 26
Once again the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is going to make Christmas a little happier for over 400 children in the area. We are asking for your help…
Ringers needed!
The Handbell Choir is looking for a few good ringers. If you can read music and are interested in joining a great group of people email Ed Shipley @
Legacy Giving
August is the month that moves us from the salad days of summer to the newness of fall. If you have school-aged kids, you know the rou- tine: new schedules,…
The Dialog
Did you know The Dialog headlines can arrive in your inbox multiple times a week? The Angelus – the Dialog electronic newsletter – is sent out around lunchtime every Monday,…
Church Flowers
If you would like to donate Sanctuary flowers for St. Ann or Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in memory of a loved one, please call the parish office at (302)…
Changing your address?
Please remember to inform the Parish Office if you have any changes in your home or email addresses, or home or cell numbers. We easily forget to include our church…
Prayer Requests
for the Sick and Deceased
Prayer Requests for the Sick and Deceased to be included in the Prayers of the Faithful at weekend masses in St. Ann and Our Lady of Guadalupe are accepted for…