Thank You!

Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful Christmas from Smiling Children Home in India, under the care of Fr. Joseph Dovari. We are very grateful to Fr. Klevence and…

March for Life
January 24

Late development: the bus from St. Jude’s parking lot for the DC March for Life next Friday has been cancelled Bus to the March for Life, Washington, DC  Friday, January…

Church Flowers

If you would like to donate Sanctuary flowers in St. Ann or Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in memory of a loved one, please call the parish office (302) 539-6449….

Custom Apparel

You DO want to look good for the fall, don’t you?

Red Sun Custom Apparel has created a website for us from which you can order, pay, and have parish-labeled apparel delivered to you.

Legacy Giving

August is the month that moves us from the salad days of summer to the newness of fall. If you have school-aged kids, you know the rou- tine: new schedules,…

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