Adult Choir
The Adult Choir rehearses Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM in the Church of St. Ann. From September to June, the choir sings on Sundays at either 10:30 AM Mass at St. Ann or 9 AM Mass at Our Lady of Guadalupe, and at other special liturgical celebrations during the year. For information, contact the Director of Pastoral Music, Ed Shipley, email him here or call him at (443) 695-1507.
Handbell Choir
The Handbell Choir rehearses every Wednesday afternoon at 2 PM in the Church of St. Ann and celebrates at various liturgical functions at St. Ann as well as Our Lady of Guadalupe. For information, contact the Director of Pastoral Music, Ed Shipley, email him here or call or call him at (443) 695-1507.
Contemporary Music Ensemble
The Contemporary Music Ensemble (CME) is a mix of vocalists and instrumentalists focusing on upbeat contemporary worship music., accompanied by piano, guitars, electric bass, woodwinds, strings and percussion during various mass and other worship times.