- March 18: General Membership Meeting, 6:30PM Social and 7:00PM Business Meeting in Delaney Hall. Speaker will be Fr. Klevence-talk on “Lent & the State of the Parish.”
- April 8: Executive Board Meeting, 11:30 AM at Masterson Center
- April 8: Dine & Donate-Bethany Blues, 4:00PM to Closing
- April 13 – Communion Brunch
- April 15: General Membership Meeting, 6:30 PM Social and 7:00 PM Business Meeting in Delaney Hall. Speaker – Doug Hudson, Sussex County Council President and District 4 Member – talk on Property Reassessment and infrastructure to support growth.
The Men’s Club is celebrating its 40th year in the parish. It promotes spiritual growth, social interaction, and a sense of parish and local community in conformity with all Catholic teachings. Members are an active cross-section of men with varied backgrounds seeking to strengthen relationships among themselves, parishioners, and the Church.
The Club meets on the third Tuesday of each month {except in July, August & December), with social activities beginning at 6:30PM and business meeting starting at 7:00PM. All men of our parish are encouraged to join the Men’s Club—contact Dave Ryan at: daveryan214@yahoo.com
Look for Men’s Club brochures at the entrance to the church and call current Men’s Club Officers for additional information:
President Marty Malarkey
Vice President Dominic Paccapaniccia
Treasurer Audie Chong
Membership Secretary Dave Ryan
Recording Secretary Tom Hill
Chaplain Skip Coale

Recurring events:
- Our locally well-known charitable Golf Outing occurs in mid-September.
- On the first Sunday in October and the last Sunday in April the Club offers the entire parish its renowned Pancake Breakfasts – a tasty and inexpensive way to interact with fellow parishioners.
- A half day Mini-Retreat in October and a two-day Lenten retreat is held in Delaney Hall lead by an ordained minister. All men are welcome to join us.
- On the second Saturday of December, we enjoy the coming seasonal festivities with our exceptional Christmas Party – always a sellout!
- On the Saturday before St Patrick’s Day we celebrate another memorable holiday with our perennially sold-out St Patrick’s Day Party.
- The last Sunday of January is the usual date of our Communion Brunch.