A brand new high quality book for every child from Preschool to Grade 5 at Clayton and Showell Elementary Schools has been the goal of the Sodality of the Parish of St. Ann since 2003. This life-changing gift to over 1,000 children occurs twice a year, once at Christmas and again at the end of the year. The children often tell mentors from St. Ann Parish how much they look forward to getting the books. For many of these children, the books are the only reading material in their homes. Hopefully, these books will increase reading progress and a love of literature.
The cost of funding this project is at least $3500 twice a year.
If you would like to support this project that makes a difference in the lives of these children, please write a check made out to “Sodality Book Project” or cash can be placed in an envelope clearly marked “Sodality Book Project”. Donations can be placed in the weekly collection basket or brought to the Parish Office. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
For additional information or questions, please contact Joanne Busalacchi at 302-539-3818.