Your local Society of St. Vincent de Paul Conference at St. Ann Parish is able to operate only because of your donations and assistance. Whether or not you are a member, our Vincentian vocation of helping the poor is an outreach of the entire parish. Our active outreach is a reflection of our mission, but also a witness to the charitable nature of our parishioners.

We continue to operate solely through your kind contributions. 100% of the money that we receive goes to the support of our less fortunate neighbors; all administrative costs are borne by our members.
Food and Supplies
Our food pantry is always grateful for donations; of particular need are food items such as rice, pasta, beans, mac ‘n cheese, coffee, tuna, and peanut butter. Especially during the pandemic, cleaning supplies have been much appreciated; items like laundry detergent. paper towels, window cleaner, and dishwashing liquid.
Ordinarily, there are contribution bins located in the vestibule of each church. During the pandemic, though, we are asking that donations be made at the food pantry itself, at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church on Thursday mornings prior to the opening of the pantry between 8:30 and 10:00 AM; except for the second Thursday of each month when the pantry is closed in the morning, but is open from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM.
You are always welcome to help us, whether by joining our Conference or by helping us on special projects.
And of course, your support of our many fundraisers: chocolate sales, the Christmas Giving Tree, Dine ‘n donate meals, school supply drives and others.
If there is any way that you can help, with either a donation of money or food cards, please won’t you consider doing so? You can donate by a check made out to:
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
St. Ann Bethany Beach Conference
35764 Atlantic Avenue
PO Box 879
Ocean View, DE 19970
Alternatively, you may use one of the special St. Vincent envelopes (with the tan stripe), now available at the entrance to Church or in your bimonthly parish envelope package; and drop that envelope in any collection basket.
On line Giving
Please visit our online giving page at, click the Donate icon, and choose SVdP on the Parish Contribution page