We all need our spirituality re-energized from time to time. There are many different ways of doing this, some of them stretching back to the very early days of the Church.
One of the more recent attempt to organize our particularly Catholic spirituality was developed by Matthew Kelly. He identifies seven different practices rooted in Catholicism that he feels are particularly important:

Matthew Kelly has been inspiring Catholics to explore the genius of Catholicism for twenty years. If you are not quite sure where Catholicism fits into your life, have questions about the faith, or just need your spiritual life reinvigorated, these outlines may help you.
Retired Deacon Jack Freebery graciously composed a series of notes and personal reflections on the Seven Pillars of Catholicism, drawing heavily from Kelly’s book Rediscovering Catholicism”. If you’d like to share in his thoughts about any one r all of the Pillars, just click the corresponding pillar in the picture below.
The Seven Pillars are as follows:
- Confession
- Daily Prayer
- The Mass
- The Bible
- The Rosary
- Spiritual Reading
- Fasting