The primary purpose of Sodality is to help its members acquire a deep love and devotion to Mary. Being a member of Sodality is a Way of Life. It is a vocation, which should affect your whole day. In fact, it should affect your whole life. To live this life, we must have a model – Let us truly say that Mary, the Mother of God, is our model. So please come be a part of a spiritual organization where women act together for the Savior, the Blessed Mother, and our Church in joyful gathering.
The members of Sodality usually meet the first Thursday of each month, September through May, praying the Rosary at 8:10, worship at 8:30 Mass, followed by attending the monthly meeting(for exact dates and times, please check the bulletin or parish calendar). Members participate in charitable works for parishioners and the community like the “Children’s Book Project”(for more information click here). In addition, they encourage and promote participation in all parish activities. All women of the parish, full time and part-time, are encouraged and welcome to attend the meetings and the various functions.
Additional information may be found in the parish bulletin, or contact Connie Kneisly at 301-448-6519 (email her here) or Debby Hannan at 240-432-6412 (email her here).
Upcoming Events
Please note schedule change in our next meeting on February 6. There will be no Mass, as our priests will be attending their Study Week. We will say the rosary at 8:30 in St. Ann’s. At 9:00AM, our speaker, Dr. Dan Cowell, a not- ed psychiatrist who is well known by many at St. Ann’s, will speak about “Coping with the Holidays” with reference to challenges, depression and managing feelings.
Ad Jesum per Mariam
(To Jesus through Mary)