Catechists teach classes from Grade K through Grade 8 to form our young Catholic Christians who are prepared for all their sacraments and discipleship to bring a message of God’s love and hope to the world. Classes meet in the Masterson Center on Sundays from 9:00 am to 10:15 am and on Thursdays from 6:00 pm to 7:15 pm for Spanish-Language catechesis and First Communion preparation. Call Tina Gordon at 302-539-5443 for registration information or email her here. To register, please see the instructions below.
Anyone with Kindergarten-age children who wish to enroll them in the program or anyone with a child who is older who has not yet enrolled are invited to register. Registration can be completed in several ways:
- An online registration form can be completed here
- A copy of the form to download and print can be found here
- A paper copy of the form can be picked up from the Faith Formation office in the Masterson Center.
All printed forms should be returned to the Faith Formation office in the Masterson Center when completed.
Office of Faith Formation Phone Number

Tina Gordon | Email Tina
Coordinator of Religious Education

Barbara Perricone | Email Barbara
Christian Initiation Lead

Nancy-Jo DiLuzio | Email Nancy
Religious Education Admin

Maria Colello | Email Maria
Coordinator of Youth Ministry and Spanish coordinator