ear Parishioners and Visitors,

As I am sure you know by now our Holy Father Pope Francis has designated 2025 as a Jubilee Year of Hope. Our hope is centered not on the things of the world but rather on the person of Jesus Christ. He is Son of God Son of Mary Savior of the world a Light no darkness can extinguish. Because of the Resurrection of Jesus we can be a people of hope. A people who know that Jesus walks with us on our pilgrim journey of faith in this life.

Pope Francis wrote in announcing the Jubilee Year of Hope that: “Now the time has come for a new Jubilee when once more the Holy Door will be flung open to invite everyone to an intense experience of the love of God that awakens in hearts the sure hope of salvation in Christ.” Certainly not all of us will be able to go on pilgrimage to Rome. Fortunately we don’t have to travel thousands of miles to go on a pilgrimage. Bishop Koenig has designated several holy sites in our diocese that we can visit to make a Jubilee Year of Hope pilgrimage. These sites are all located in our diocese and can be visited fairly easily. Afew are close by and a few are a bit further away. However they are all within a two-hour drive and can help lift our hearts and minds in hope towards Almighty God.

The Jubilee sites in our diocese are: Cathedral of St. Peter in Wilmington; St. Francis de Sales in Salisbury; St. Christopher in Chester MD; St. Jude the Apostle in Lewes; St. Ann in Wilmington; Immaculate Heart of Mary in Wilmington; and Holy Cross in Dover. I would encourage all of us during the coming months to make a pilgrimage a journey of faith to one or more of these designated churches. I plan on doing a bus pilgrimage to several of the pilgrimage sites. Please be sure to read the bulletin as they will be announced there. Plan on joining us during the Jubilee Year of Hope so that all of us can grow in faith hope and love.

Have A Great Bethany Beach Week!
Stay Safe! Stay Healthy!

Jubilee Prayer

Father in heaven, may the faith you have given us in your son,
Jesus Christ, our brother, and the flame of charity enkindled in
our hearts by the Holy Spirit,
reawaken in us the blessed hope
for the coming of your Kingdom.

May your grace transform us into tireless cultivators of the
seeds of the Gospel.
May those seeds transform from within
both humanity and the whole cosmos
in the sure expectation
of a new heaven and a new earth, when,
with the powers of
Evil vanquished, your glory will shine eternally.

May the grace of the Jubilee reawaken in us,
Pilgrims of Hope,
a yearning for the treasures of heaven.
May that same grace
spread the joy and peace of our Redeemer
throughout the earth.
To You our God, eternally blessed,
be glory and praise
forever. Amen.


Click here for more Catholic prayers

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Online Giving Available

Try our new Online Giving Service— go to our website Online Giving page to set up your account.

Online Giving is the preferred way to make your weekly or monthly contributions to offertory and various other designations. By giving electronically, it minimizes the need to have six parishioners present to count money every Sunday and it also minimizes hours used to post these donations to the donors’ accounts every week. If interested, go to our parish website online donation page; or you can also use your smart phone to scan the QR code for online giving. When scanned with a smart phone, this image connects you directly to the mobile version of our donation page. You can also call the business manager at (302) 539-6449 ext.103 for assistance in setting this up. Thank you for your support!


Help Your Neighbors

Please remember our parish’s St. Vincent de Paul Society when writing checks. Your financial support, of whatever size, is a lifeline for so many of our needy brothers and sisters. In these strange and difficult times, your generous financial support is a great help to them. Thank you for your support.

If you would like to donate to our food pantry, a list of needed items is listed on the SVdP ministry page here.

You can contribute in many different ways; just click the picture below to find out more.

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There’s more information here about our finances and contributions.


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