Men’s Club Communion Brunch
April 13
The Men’s Club Communion Brunch will be in Delaney Hall after the 10:30 Mass on April 13. The speaker will be Kevin Reilly. Kevin is a Delaware native and a…
Reconciliation Monday
The fourth annual Reconciliation Monday will take place on Monday of Holy Week, April 14, 2025 from 3 until 8 p.m.
SVdP Dine ‘n Donate
April 1
The St. Ann Conference of St. Vincent de Paul is holding a Dine ‘n Donate event on April 1.
KoC Friday Lenten Meals
Begin March 7
The Knight of Columbus are once again hosting a meal following the Stations of the Cross on each of the first four Fridays of Lent (March 7, 14, 21, and 28).
KoC Flower sale
Ends April 27
The Knights of Columbus are once again holding a flower sale to support their many charitable activities.
Ministerium Prayer/Soup & Salad
Wednesdays during Lent
This Lent, we invite you to join the Lenten Prayer, Soup & Salad series, sponsored by the Southeast Sussex Ministerium. Come together each Wednesday at 12:00 pm at various local churches for a time of prayer, reflection, and fellowship.
2025 Catholic Appeal begins
March 15
Commitment Weekend for the Faith and Charity Catholic Appeal will take place in all parishes on March 15 and 16. This marks the beginning of the annual Appeal, which this year has the theme “Together in Hope”.
Mass Cards Available
February 1
Starting February 17, 2025, we will be accepting mass card requests for the period January to April 2026.
AARP Tax Aide Program
Scheduling begins January 20
The AARP Tax-Aide program will again offer free tax return assistance and preparation for Seniors and taxpayers with low to moderate incomes at St. Ann’s Masterson Center. Our volunteers may…
Thank You!
Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful Christmas from Smiling Children Home in India, under the care of Fr. Joseph Dovari. We are very grateful to Fr. Klevence and…
Church Flowers
If you would like to donate Sanctuary flowers in St. Ann or Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in memory of a loved one, please call the parish office (302) 539-6449….
Would You Like to Present the Gifts at Mass?
If you would like to do so at a Weekend or Holy Day Mass, please notify the Ushers 10 minutes before the Mass begins.